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Hong Kong Company Registration
China Company Registration
Offshore Company Registration
Trade Mark Registration
Virtual Office
Offshore Banking
Foreign Investors in Hong Kong
Low tax. British law. USD linked currency. Stepping stone to investments in China. Enterprise support is government policy. Hong Kong is ideal for multinational businesses...
Register and More
Overseas companies intend to carry out business in Hong Kong need to apply for registration within one month of establishing a place of business in Hong Kong....
Foreign Investors in China
The Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE), also called Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE), is a Limited Liability Company established and wholly owned by the foreign investor(s) in China. ...
Representative Office (RO), also known as Permanent Resident Office, is an office of a foreign enterprise set up in China for liaison with Chinese businesses and customers on behalf of its parent company.....

Hong Kong Company

1. Hong Kong Company Registration

2. Hong Kong Company Deregistration

3. Taxation for Overseas Company in Hong Kong

Offshore Company

4. Formation of Seychelles Company

5. Cayman Exempted Company Registration

China Foreign Invested Company

6. Investment Environment

7. Foreign Invested Enterprises

8. Representative Office in Beijing

9. Representative Office in Shanghai

Trade Mark Registration

10. Hong Kong Trademark Registration

© 2003-2005 Kaizen  Corporate  Services  Limited

Hong Kong Head Office              Room 1106, Futura Plaza, 111 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
TEL +852 2341 1444      FAX +852 2341 1414     WEB http://www.by-cpa.com      E-mail info@by-cpa.com

Shenzhen Office   TEL +86 (0755) 8221 4440     FAX +86 (0755) 8221 4441
Shanghai Office   TEL +86 (021) 6439 4114     FAX +86 (021) 6439 4414
Beijing Office   TEL +86 (010) 6441 4163     FAX +86 (010) 6441 4163